We can’t outlaw bad science, because if we do, one day those laws would be used to attack good science, by politicians who call the good science bad. WUWT has published loads of articles by academics and others who want to punish “climate deniers”. Some of them even want the...
Why It’s a Great Gift Idea:Most people don’t have the luxury of their own car mechanic. Auto dealerships and many other repair houses typically offer gift cards that can be used for anything from routine oil changes tomajor car repairs. What’s the Cost?That depends. A gift certificate...
Anna Ancher deserves wider recognition because her work in oil and pastel is truly remarkable. Given the fact that she was born and raised in a small village at the northernmost tip of Denmark and received little formal training, her understanding of form, color, light and shadow is exceptional...
Two Syracuse boys used a snow day to honor their mail lady on National Thank a Mail Carrier Day. 4-year-old Travis Howley, and his brother, Patrick used the day to write a letter for their mail carrier, Michele Kinney. "Our sitter made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies with the boys...
While acknowledging that, at least in the initial phases, the completion of those forms is difficult to enforce, Cardelle said, "Our expectations are that our fraternities and sororities...alike follow our regulations and are guided by the protocols that are used for them to be able to ...
With friends Gary & Ramona. Gary buys, re-stores (if need be) and re-sells classic cars. And the odd bike Ramona stands bywhatever this is.We’ll call it the mean, green road machine. You can say it captured our attention.
used himself house few american use place during without high again home around small however found mrs part thought school went say once general upon war left every don't does got united number hand course water until away always public s something fact less though far put head think set ...