With that being said, the purpose of this article is to inform you on how you can get the most out of your cash for car deal. While it is expected that everyone in business be a professional, there is always the risk of running into less-than-ethical salvage workers. Don't Go Into ...
"Sell my mobile home fast" with Mobile Home Matadors. We buy manufactured homes in "as-is" condition across California and multiple states, offering quick cash and a hassle-free process.
Who buys Disney pin collections? 2nd Markets What have you? We Are 2nd Markets Click here to view our current BBB Report 2nd Markets is a full-time collectibles business located in the Nashville, Tennessee area. We have been in business since the 1970s, BEFORE there was an Internet! We...
Is old paper money valuable? Yes, some (but not all) is. 2nd Markets has been buying currency collections such as silver certificates, gold certificates, high denomination notes and more for many years. For large collections, we can travel to you. We are located in the Nashville, Tennessee...
Who buys rare stamp collections online for the most cash? 2nd Markets →This company specializes in buying large collections. They will buy your rare stamp collection or estate from the privacy of home, click the CONTACT or LEARN MORE buttons below. ...
2011 i sold an old silver flatware set that had been sitting for years and jon made the transaction quick and easy. i sent the items after he sent me the money, which is a testament of the business he runs. i have been very pleased with him and will continue to do business when i...
and nobody wanted them. Now they are a scourge on the market. Huge quantities of worthless MADE IN CHINA knives are on the market, and no real collector buys them. You can always tell if your knife is made in China because the word CHINA will either be on the box or on the knife ...
We buy Sports Memorabilia! We are an A+ BBB-rated company buying collections of Sports Memorabilia in a fast, secure, no hassle transaction. Get our offer today!
So, you're still looking to sell your vinyl collection? As David Lazarus, an award-winning columnist for theLos Angeles Timeswrites, "Selling albums is like selling a used car: The better the condition, the more you'll make." Want to know how much cash you can get for your records?
Woman buys traditional house for $8,000, ships it across Indonesia to create Bali dream home “We talked about our family history – that my wife had graduated from Rome university, my daughter from Milan. He screened me to the same extent as I screened him, and I think if I’d come...