Whilethey're not infinitely small, the odds are not stacked in your favor. Your parents had to meet, you had to be conceived from a specific sperm and egg, you had to be born, and your ancestors had to do the same thing for generations before you or your parents were born. After al...
, chess , atari’s breakout . reinforcement learning doesn’t require humans to label lots of training data; it just requires telling a neural network to seek a certain reward, often victory in a game. the neural network learns by playing the game over and over, optimizing for whatever ...
In life, as in chess, forethought wins 人生如下棋,多谋得胜利。 In life''s earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail. 在人生的搏斗中,只有日日前进不甘失败的人,才能获胜。 In moderating, not satisfying, desires, lies peace. 节欲不纵情,心情得安宁。 I now ...
like tipsy chess knights. They move not by causes, effects and purposes but by accidents--accidents that in some hidden and exhilarating way they are prepared to incur, as one seemingly humdrum species of corn kernel is prepared to turn inside out and bloom white. ...
, chess , atari’s breakout . reinforcement learning doesn’t require humans to label lots of training data; it just requires telling a neural network to seek a certain reward, often victory in a game. the neural network learns by playing the game over and over, optimizin...