When was the statue of Atlas built? The statue, eight metres high and built inthe 5th century BC, was one of nearly 40 that adorned the ancient building, considered the largest Doric temple ever built, even if it was never completed and now lies in ruins. Where is the Farnese Atlas? Th...
women assumed the seat of pharaoh upon the death of a father or husband with no apparent heirs. Queen Hatshepsut, for instance, ruled for 20 years after her father died. This queen expanded trade relations and built many temples, including the shrine in Deir-al-Bahari...
Two other sources, both from antiquity, may have shaped Bartholdi's final image of Lady Liberty. A classic statue of the Greek goddess Hera shows her holding a torch while wearing long robes and a crown. The statues differ in several notable respects, including the fact that Hera's torch a...
Galzu said he spoke for King Anu and lied to keep Enki, Enlil, Ninmah and their kids on Earth when they’d have left. Galzu gave Enki a build-a-sub program that Enki put into Ziasudra’s computer.Ziasudra built the sub and Enki’s son Ninagal guided it through the Deluge to Mt....
All this was before the famous walls of Troy were built; before King Priam had come to the throne of his father and while he was still known, not as Priam, but as Podarces. And the beginning of all these happenings was in Iolcus, a city in Thessaly. Cretheus founded the city and...
Fr. Stephen:Yeah. So then the third part is about Baal building a palace. Baal needs a palace, because he’s, like, “totally won” all these fights. [Laughter] And so Anat is, like, on a roll and super mad at her dad/father-in-law, El, that he hasn’t built Baal a palace...
KhnümwasworshippedtogetherwithSatetandAnuket,twoNubiangoddesseswithwhomheformeda triad.TotheGreeks,SatetwasHera,whileAnuketwasHestia.SeveralPtolemaicinscriptionsonblocksofaltarswerefoundreusedin a brickwallunderneaththetempleterrace,wheretheyhadbeenusedasfillingmaterialwhentheterracewasbuiltinthefirstcenturyB.C.One...
I thought the legend I heard was that Hera cursed their mother (because she was jealous, as always, of Zeus's dalliance) so that she could give birth neither on dry land nor on water, and so she gave birth on an island that was believed to be floating. But maybe I'm mixing up my...