as the site sits atop the Inglewood Oil Field, heavily pumped since the 1920s. The Baldwin Hills Reservoir, part of a network of drinking water reservoirs built around Los Angeles by the DWP, was not rebuilt.
The water projects include a system of reservoirs to store water (principally, Shasta and Oroville), two pumping stations located in the south Delta near Tracy, and canals to deliver the water (principally, the California Aqueduct and the Delta-Mendota Canal). Both of these biological opinions ...
Upland-based Inco started constructing homes in 1981, and has built about 1,900, more than anyone else in the Victor Valley. Norris said he started buying land in 1978 when it was cheap, which gives him a competitive advantage because he can keep his prices a lot lower than developers buy...
the transcontinental railroad ended in Oakland instead of its natural destination, San Francisco. Reber initially favored an earthen causeway to bring the rails directly into the city. But as he traveled around California and learned of the extraordinary...
Jay Farrar blazes a path wherever he goes. Whether as founder of alt-country pioneers Uncle Tupelo, fronting Son Volt or on solo excursions, he has a voice built for melancholic ambivalence and longing. On Son Volt's latest,Okemah & the Melody of Riot, their first new music in seven year...