Professional wrestling has always been a roller coaster ride filled with captivating personalities. Among these larger-than-life characters, there are trailblazers who have pushed the envelope even further by being some of the first openly lesbian and gay wrestlers. As we take a walk down the memo...
Among these larger-than-life characters, there are trailblazers who have pushed the envelope even further by being some of the first openly lesbian and gay wrestlers. As we take a walk down the memory lane of wrestling history, let's give a standing ovation to those gay wrestlers who defied...
10 Best WWE Wrestlers Of All Time, Ranked By In Ring Skill WWE Who are the greatest WWE wrestlers of all time in terms of in-ring skill alone? 23 Oct 26, 2024 10 Active Wrestlers Who Are One Title Away From Becoming WWE Grand Slam Champions WWE There are quite a few WWE ...
Several wrestlers have come into theWWEover the years promising to be the next big thing; the new Hulk Hogan or John Cena, who can take over the company and lead it to new heights. Unfortunately, these promising stars often fail to live up to the overwhelming expectations placed on their ...
WWE Wrestlers who won titles on 2020 weekly shows 51. WWE Wrestlers who are almost Grand Slam Log in to track scores and access more awesome features LOG IN Not a member? Join Sporcle for Free Quiz ScoreboardCHALLENGE Sign Up to Join the Scoreboard ...
There are some wrestlers who could turn out to be big players for WWE in 2021. Let’s take a look at them. 11. Jinder Mahal After missing over 9 months of action, Jinder Mahal returned to RAW at the end of April in 2020. However, he was forced out of action once again as he st...
Many women's wrestlers today credit the Divas for setting the foundation of where they are today. From Sable and Dawn Marie to Kaitylin and Melina, these women have grown from their time within the company and matured. Some have become mothers and others have switched to even more demanding...
There haven't been a lot of WWE wrestlers to ever beat The Undertaker. In this piece,w e take a look at seven of them.
The Sheik was "hardcore" before the term was "a thing" in wrestling. While this list of eighteen wrestlers is not necessarily in order of wildness or greatness because this is not an opinion piece, at least permit us to place The Sheik as the undisputed hardcore pioneer and champion of vi...
“Real Americans all day long, two of the best technical wrestlers in the business today,” Jak Clark commented, adding, “The Shield are a close second though. WE THE PEOPLE!” Where are 3MB and Tons of Funk? One of the more common queries in response to the debate was rega...