29, the United States celebrates National Cat Day — but most cat owners are happy to honor their kitties any day, no matter what part of the world they’re in. That goes for A-list musicians, too. Some of the biggest names in pop, country and hip-hop have sassy, cuddly, playful,...
13:12 Itty Bitty Kitties! | Hide and SeekMinecraft 14:04 Aphmau + Ein = ??? In Minecraft! 19:26 The MOST Fun l've Had In Minecraft! -MINECRAFT CUSTOM GAMES 15:15 My Murder Fanfiction | Minecraft Murder 14:38 * Who Am l !? | Aphmau - Angel And :Demon AU | GL2 TREND 00:...
14:06 OK BOOMER | Granny Simulator 11:21 Aarons kink [Aphmau Shitpost] 00:07 The Girl Rylan Likes | Hide and SeekMinecraft 18:46 A Baby On MyStreet | Hide and SeekMinecraft 19:13 Itty Bitty Kitties! | Hide and SeekMinecraft 14:04 Pancake Wolves | Minecraft Hide and Seek 17:40 How...
In other sad news,it turns out that the Fanthropy running clubs are shutting down, due to legal nonsense involving Warner Brothers and the Potterhead Running Club. This hits me hard too, because doing the virtual races with the Whovian Running Club have helped me out as I’ve been processin...
“The pros of adopting a dog are – you know the story and the health state of the dog you are adopting; you are giving a chance to an animal that, more often than not has not been treated well in life, to discover what real love and home mean; mixed breeds are much healthier.”...
Whether they’re leaping sky high at sudden movements or crinkly bags, these kitties are super funny to look at. Vote up the funniest GIFs and photos of cats who didn't see you there, and be sure to let us know what you think in the comment section. ...
Whether they’re leaping sky high at sudden movements or crinkly bags, these kitties are super funny to look at. Vote up the funniest GIFs and photos of cats who didn't see you there, and be sure to let us know what you think in the comment section. ...
She had been going through a rather stressful, depressing period at the time when we took inthe kitties, and it helped her enormously with coping. The loss of her dad last year, as well as Palermo put her back in a depression which is being healed day by day, partly because of this ...
Quoted as asking“who the hell cut this?” when finally shown an edit, Murray’s dislike of the picture has since been immortalized in Zombieland (2009), where Garfield is name-dropped as the sole regret of a dying self-parody. As for why Bill came back for A Tale of Two Kitties (...
I’ve sold thirty+ short stories; I’ve had hundreds of rejections. Two weeks ago, Ifinallygot an agent. You know, I got fired from my day job about two and a half years ago, and since then all I’ve done (besides play with kitties, hang out with my family, andbake these ...