In 1839 he gained a diploma of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Copenhagen for his work The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, while his interest in geology and subsequent papers led to him being offered the position of President of the newly formed Geologists' ...
The King in the North! Until he wasn’t. Torrhen Stark is the reason the Northmen on Game of Thrones are so dang touchy about bending the knee. After Aegon and his sisters captured the first few kingdoms with fire and blood, King Torrhen of Winterfell rallied his armies and marched sou...
at least, to resemble that of those, who, whilst their own body lay at home apparently dead or asleep, wandered under other forms into distant places and countries. Such wanderings were calledhamfarirby the old northmen; and were held to be only capable ...
A trading hub as big as this was home to one of the largest collections of exotic drinks, the likes which would make even the hardiest of northmen swoon. There was stuff here he didn't even know the name of, let alone how it was made or where it even came from. Something he neede...