to the Mainland, including Members of the Legislative Council and District Councilswho belongtothe democratic camp, and communicate with the Legislature and political parties in Hong Kong and develop a normal working relationship to enhance mutual understanding, so that the relationship between the[.....
The attached offering memorandum has been made available to you in electronic form. You are reminded that documents transmitted via this medium may be altered or changed during the process of transmission and consequently none of the Issuer or any of its directors, employees, representat...
Some Democrats are still considering whether to run for president, some made it official and some never even entered the fray. But the 2020 parlor game is well underway. Here's the U.S. News analysis of the initial field, separated into three tiers, based on public polling data and eval...
policy, which are in favour of an executive-led system and in violation of human rights, then even if all of the 60 elected Members of the Legislative Council are of the same opinion that these unfair laws need to be amended, they simply cannot do that without the approval of the Chief...
long as Members like "Sister Han" or "Uncle Wah",who have servedasMembers of the Legislative Council since the days of the former administration [...] 雖 然我跟 大 部分同事共 事的日 子不算特 別長,不及“嫻姐 ”、“華叔”等由 前朝 擔任立法局議員到今天的...
Anderson has a practice that revolves around providing informed legislative and regulatory advocacy and excellent client service. Anderson represents trade associations, businesses and not-for-profits before the New York state government, communicating client positions to members of the state...
O. 2006 . Who has power in the EU? The Commission, Council and Parliament in legislative decision-making. Journal of Common Market Studies , 44(2): 391–417. (Thomson, Robert and Madeleine Hosli. "Who Has Power in the EU? The Commission, Council and Parliament in Legislative Decision-...
including the statusofall colleagues whobecame Members of this Council through various channels, [...] 我 希望這不是總督的原意, 以否定過去㆒切,包括否定在座各位自八五年以來透過不同方式而產生出來的議員同 事,來突出其政改方案的偉大。
Richard Riley and David Wilkins Two South Carolina statesmen and members of the legal profession—Richard Riley and David Wilkins—were recently honored with the Chief Justice’s Award for Outstanding Contributions… Read More Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc Category: headlines,...
“We’re going to have to understand that judicial confirmations these days are more like political campaigns,” Leo told the members of the Council for National Policy, according to a recording of the speech obtained by The Washington Post. “We’re going to have to be smart as a movement...