These Globalists are thetrueanti-Semitic group, because they wear the label of “Jew” while at the same time carrying out acts of murder and genocide against true Semitic people, including other “Jews.” But before proceeding to identifying who these Globalist Jews are, let...
Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man? What city was the Declaration of Independence written in? Who was the oldest to sign the Declaration of Independence? Who drafted the Declaration of Rights and Grievances? Which signers of the Declaration of Independence were masons? Who wrote the...
There are at least 14 presidents who were Masons, or Freemasons, according to the secretive fraternal organization and presidential historians. The list of presidents who were Masons includes the likes ofGeorge Washingtonand Theodore Roosevelt toHarry S. TrumanandGerald Ford. Truman was one of two ...
1776. The document declared to the British that the Thirteen Colonies in North America were hereto no longer colonial possession of the British Empire. Instead, the Thirteen Colonies were now Thirteen sovereign states. The Declaration of Independence is widely considered one of the most important...
Jewish Masons of B’nai B’rith are very high up in the SATANIC PYRAMID. They not only control their fellow Jews, but also Freemasonry, by not allowing any Goyim to join their lodges (100% Jewish). Internet has put an end to their strategic edge, fulfilling our Lord Jesus’ words: ...
Not only that, but many athletes from the 20th century have ties to Freemasonry, the shadowy and powerful organization that helped to found America. Despite the secrecy that surrounds these groups, these athletes are publicly, almost brazenly, showcasing their involvement. ...
However, several of the Charges including the first one 'Concerning God and religion', one of the most disputed texts in the history of Freemasonry, are closer to the style of Desaguliers. The General Regulations concerning the organization of the lodges, hitherto attributed to George Payne,...
The darkness is lit by septium's light, and that light shall act as a guide to all who have lost their way. Present for me all of the mystical gems that contain that light. Only then shall the door open...Normal: Find out how much of a Trails nut you are. Beginner level.Hard:...
19. Diplomacy was next discussed. After all wars secret diplomacy must be insisted upon “in order that our agentur, masquerading as ‘poltitical’, ‘Financial’, and ‘Economic’ advisers, can carry out our mandates without fear of exposing who are ‘The Secret Power’ behind national and ...
An unusually large number of residents of the county are Masons. It is one of the smallest districts in which the number of Masons is sufficient to be qualified to have a Consistory. Coudersport Lodge of perfection was established July 17, 1896, and the first meeting was held December 8, ...