Who was the first married couple in the Bible? Who wrote the first book of the Old Testament? What is the origin of Bible? Who is the first evangelist in the Old Testament? Who was the first gentile convert in the Bible? Who wrote the books of the Bible?
Are there atheists in the pulpit? More than you think. Some stay, some leave, some try to change what it means to believe, and some start atheist churches. How will this affect religion?
Who are the patriarchs in the Bible? Who came first: Krishna or Vishnu? Who is Jesus according to the New Testament? Who wrote the Book of Timothy in the New Testament? Who created the universe in Egyptian mythology? Who named the New Testament?
In many of these cases where statements and phrases that are written in the Bible are being used out of context where they would no longer be true, it is very easy to determine if they are true in context by simply finding those statements in the Bible, and then...
You are the Real Life Hero, good call on the zombie stations. The increased Tmin trend in the USHCN is most likely the result of contamination from urbanization, land-use changes that disrupt the normal decoupling of the nocturnal boundary layer, changes that prevent the formation of a shallow...
In the Christian tradition, "The One Who Teaches" is a title often ascribed to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and, by extension, those who are called to the ministry of teaching within the Church. This concept is deeply rooted in the Scriptures, where teaching is seen as a divine ...
John witnessed concerning him and cried and said, This is the one of whom I said, He is coming after me, and yet he is ahead of me, because he was before me.Aramaic Bible in Plain EnglishYohannan bore witness of him and cried, saying, “This was he of whom I spoke: 'He that ...
In the flashy glitz and hoopla of commercialized Valentine’s Day, we single women tend to forget it only holds illusions. Sometimes as single women, we need the reminder that love is not found in dinners, music and endearments although these are beautiful love expressions. Love is a Person...
According to the Protocols, the way in which the news is covered — which items are emphasized and which are played down — serve the interests of the media-masters, the Jews, and not the interests of the “Goyim.” Today, the Protocols are being practiced by an elite group of Jews ...
Who are the 12 apostles in the New Testament? Who was the first disciple of Jesus Christ? Who commissioned The Virgin of the Rocks? How did Jesus celebrate the Last Supper with his disciples? Who was the first evangelist in the Bible?