Creators of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Peter LairdandKevin Eastman, came up with the idea for the four protagonists while trying to make each other laugh one day. Eventually, the idea grew into a comic series by Mirage, a studio they built themselves for the purpose of publishing their...
In many ways, "digital creator" and "influencer" are interchangeable terms, referring to people who are (usually) self-employed and create digital content for an online audience. Both terms are industry-ambivalent: sculptors, gardeners, athletes, or vets can all become digital creators and influen...
Some of the examples of actors who performed under the influence may come as a surprise — Margot Robbie? Nicolas Cage?!? — while others are maybe not so surprising — Billy Bob Thornton’s sloshed performance in Bad Santa is no secret. Any one of us would have considered knocking back ...
and as such there are plenty of tales of celebrities having one or two (or three) between takes. Perhaps the most famous of these examples isFred Astaire, who was genuinely pretty smashed while filming his “drunken dance” in the 1942 musical comedyHoliday ...
Now they have teamed up with CGC to slab 34 pieces of clear acetate that they are calling the world’s first invisible comic. Not the silliest thing, I suppose, since you cannot read ANY comic that is in a CGC slab, so it may as well be a piece of clear acetate..but you can usu...
The show’s creators have reimagined most of the Pittsburgh parts into the Kansas City episode, including Henry and Sam. Surely we’ll learn more about them in episode 5, but thanks to the game, we’ve already got context on what could happen. In the game, Ellie and Joel are ambushed ...
Indie comics have changed a lot over the decades. There was a time when the indies were where a creator started, but now the indies are where A-list creators go when they want to tell the kind of stories they want to tell and can't at the Big Two. Companies like Dark Horse and ...
and Craig is a terrific 007 when he’s allowed to be. But at a certain point, if the creators of these movies feel so uncertain why this guy continues to exist — and in any other franchise the conclusion of this movie would essentially mean he doesn’t exist anymore — doesn’t that...
Additional special features include a “Meet the Creators” piece focused on the new era of show creators, a segment about “The Pillows” relationship with the series, a glimpse at the English voice actors behind FLCL together, and a look into the production of FLCL: Alternative. The highly...
What penalties do you face if you unlawfully have possession of body armor and are not in one of the above professions? The first time you are found to be in possession of it, you will face a Class A misdemeanor, a second offense would be a Class E felony. If you wear it while com...