This regime is called the “administrative state.” Its little kings are unelected “bureaucrats,” officially known as “administrators,”“secretaries,” or even “czars.” And, make no mistake, they are very powerful. Their deci...
"You Who Are the Bureaucrats of Empire,Remember Who We Are" Don MitchellThe People's Geography Project Department of Geography, Maxwell School, Syracuse UniversityThe Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University receives a large grant from the U.S. Department of Defense...
aBureaucracies and bureaucrats often suffer from negative public perceptions. As prominent(杰出) social scientist James Q. Wilson noted, many taxpayers believe that, “bureaucrats are lethargic(昏睡的), incompetent(不称职的) hacks(雇佣文人) who spend their days spinning out(纺出) reels(卷轴) of ...
BLOCKHEADS; Bureaucrats Who Think They Are above the Law Deny 2000 Scots Their Legal Right to Proper CareMORE than 2000 Scots are languishing on waiting lists for the care they are legally entitled to.Roberts, Lesley
CAMERON at P.M.Q.s: And for the first time in a long time, the number of doctors is growing very quickly, and the number of bureaucrats is actually falling. CAMERON: To really screwing up and failing to remember the right fact or figure. ...
How could it preserve its edge and not become a party of elitist bureaucrats? How could it stay true to its belief and not become an appendage of others? If mismanaged, a good tactical move risked becoming a bad opportunistic one because of the sacrifice of principles involved. Maring's ...
United States – Who Are We Now?For Your Protection! Please consider that in the USA crooks, criminals and agent provocateurs (attack dogs for official criminals) can intercept, impersonate, re-route or even take control of your cellphone and/or Internet without you ever knowing it. WE WERE...
Today, the Protocols are being practiced by an elite group of Jews who own America’s mass media. If you hear of major corporations listed as owners of the major television networks with Gentile sounding names such as “General Electric” or “Westinghouse,” it is part of Jewry’s ploy ...
Companies' motivation for sustainability reporting creates the impression among stakeholders that they are inter- ested in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and are legitimate and accountable (Dobbs and van Staden 2016). It also demon- strates its commitment to the interests of society and various...
Asked by POLITICO about how he delineates between lambasting Democrats and lambasting bureaucrats running the government, Ramaswamy said the “administrative state is comprised by a lot of good people.” “That is different from the problem of the machine that has steadily eroded self-govern...