Temu's parent company is PDD Holdings. PDD Holdings is connected to the government of China. They've been accused of tracking customer information and while most online businesses may do this, PDD is accused of installing malicious codes on customers phones that track much more than the typical...
Later, Feng Min simply set up such as Han holdings, positioning "net red incubation", the use of the red man effect, create shop brand, and then through the realization of the electricity supplier. It can be said that in this time window, Feng Min and Zhang Dayi perfect the card posit...
PDD_Liumou and Misaya (Gaming) PDD_Liumou and Misayaarepopular gaming influencerson Douyin, a social media platform in China. They have gained asignificant followingfor theircontent related to online gaming. While the article does not provide specific information about PDD_Liumou and Misaya, it is...