Passive HIV partner notification (PN) refers to when PLHIV are encouraged by health care providers to disclose their status to their sexual partners by themselves and suggest their partners to take HIV testing. Assisted PN, i.e., when providers offer assistance to PLHIV to contact and test sexu...
At the end of the research meaningful and direct correlation was acquired .01 (P<0,01) between sub dimensions active planning of dealing with stress and value of ego (r=497), self- confident (r=577), depressive emotion (r=531), self-sufficiency (r=572), succsess and productivity (r=...
Who Speaks for the Industry?Who Speaks for the Industry?Editorial. Argues that the construction industry in the United States needs to have a single organization to represent the diverse sectors within the industry. Role of the organization as a clearinghouse for industry issues; Problems in the ...
Peoples with mild TBI are advised not to drive again within 24hours after their TBI. Three processes were defined: 鈥損rocess A: medical examination aiming at detecting mild motor and/or cognitive impairments (Montreal Cognitive Assessment was recommended), and ensuring visual acuity and visual ...
The plaintiff claimed that the company should have informed them about the losing stock after the Food and Drug Administration put a warning label against two of the company's anti-anemic drugs.EBSCO_bspHr Specialist Compensation & Benefits
Background: Home-based palliative care programs have shown value in improving quality of care and lowering costs for seriously ill patients. It is unknown what specific elements of these programs matter most to patients and caregivers. Aim: To identify what services are critical and why they ...
Who will take responsibility for corporate killing?Questions whether or not corporations should take responsibility for employee deaths and injuries which occur during work. Statistics on the number of employees killed in 2001-2002; The need to reform related laws.EBSCO_AspLancet...