This regime is called the “administrative state.” Its little kings are unelected “bureaucrats,” officially known as “administrators,”“secretaries,” or even “czars.” And, make no mistake, they are very powerful. Their deci...
But we profess to be the beacon and lovers of "freedom"—so on top of it all we are hypocrites So I am probably different from you, because I doubt you see the world in these terms, for you are the bureaucrats of Empire: it is you, who, in whatever way large or small, are ...
and what’s gone wrong in America with stagnant wages at the bottom. But we saw huge job growth, and then we also saw — partly because of the changes we made — inequality actually went down rather than up. We did protect the poorest in a number of different ways. For instance, ...
"Phil in the Blanks" Parents? Teachers? Bureaucrats? - Who Can Fix The Education System In America? (Podcast Episode 2022) - Awards, nominations, and wins
How could it preserve its edge and not become a party of elitist bureaucrats? How could it stay true to its belief and not become an appendage of others? If mismanaged, a good tactical move risked becoming a bad opportunistic one because of the sacrifice of principles involved. Maring's ...
So, back to the chiplet war, to me chiplets are all about design enablement: getting designs to wafer faster, cheaper, and with less risk of failure (yield). And who does that really benefit the most? TSMC of course. In fact, design/wafer enablement is what the TSMC OIP is all about...
Electronic Century, the industrial historian Alfred D. Chandler Jr. argued that the explosive growth of Silicon Valley in subsequent decades was largely set in motion by these policies and the “middle-level bureaucrats” in the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division who enforced them in the ...
Other entries emerged in 2009 with academicians and distributors at the top, followed by international organizations and partnerships, competitors, credit rating agencies, manufacturers, media members, bureaucrats, financial analysts, politicians, writers, artists, selling points (outdoor sale points, ...
DemocracyinAmerica PoliticsandPoliticalScience Politicsisdeciding“whogetswhat,when,andhow.”Itisanactivityby whichpeopletrytogetmoreofwhateverthereistoget—money,prestige, jobs,respect,sex,evenpoweritself.Politicsoccursinmanydifferentset- tings.Wetalkaboutofficepolitics,studentpolitics,unionpolitics,church politic...
All decisions are made by unelected bureaucrats and there is no redress. It is TOTALLY MASONIC – and ZIONIST in its outlook. The statue of Europa riding the bull is outside the EU Parliament building. There is a giant painting inside as well. Thus we see Europa – the EU – Babylon...