The Archangels are magnificent spiritual beings whovibrate with an incredible light and frequency. Each Archangel illuminatesspecific attributesand qualities of Creator, God, and of All That Is through the immense Divine Light and love they carry. TheArchangels serve according to Divine willwithin the...
In the Book of theKabbalah, Haniel is known as one of the 10 Sephirots, who are the 10 Archangels represented as branches within the Tree of Life. Each of the 10 Sephirot angels are said to oversee unique qualities of creative life force energy. Haniel, angel of Joy oversees the cre...
Jacob, son of Isaac and brother of Esau, wrestled with an angel all through one night on the bank of the Jabbok. Why did Jacob wrestle with an angel? Like some Jewish commentators, Islamic commentators described the event aspunishment for Jacob failing to give tithes to God but making an...
Lord Metatron: One of major Archangels, as well as Chief Elohim. Assigned by Mother/Father God to be in charge of this present Creation, which is sixth of ten Creations provided for by Divine Plan. He is the twin brother of the angel Sandalphon. He was Enoch in an earthly incarnation.Me...
The angels and Archangels of the Lord in the Holy Spirit will always lead you to the Heavenly Father, to Mass, to receive the Sacraments in the Catholic Church, to Bible Study, to share and open the Gospels, and all praise the Name of the Heavenly Lord i
Destruction, deviation, darkness, corruption, deceit, death, treachery, and lying, are all applied to Set in the Kemetic Theology. As the god of darkness, Set ruled during the six months from September to February, coinciding with the seasons of fall (which why we fall back one hour) and...
Ideal are defeated at last. We’re about to see the Centaur’s birth and, soon after, the ...
He is rather short, rather fat, pale, with black eyes, which are always looking the other way, and a spirit the same, always averted5. “Do you know who is in Venice?” he said to me. “Cuesta! He is in the H?tel Romano. I saw him bathing yesterday on the Lido.” There was...