世卫组织正在与佛罗伦萨的患者安全与临床风险管理中心(Centre for Clinical Risk Management and Patient Safety)以及WHO安全优质医疗服务人因因素和沟通协作中心(WHO Collaborating Centre for Human Factors and Communication for the Delivery of Safe and Quality Care)合作共同开发GKPS。 二、制定准则和开发工具,提高...
The article discusses the World Health Organization's (WHO) "Safe surgery saves lives" checklist, published by WHO's World Alliance for Patient Safety. It is hoped that use of the checklist, which includes such items as confirming the patient's identity and the type of surgery to be ...
2024releasedbytheWorldHealthOrganization(WHO)onMay30,andextractpatientsafetyelementsrelatedto medicaldevices.Proposetoinitiateactionplanforpatientsafetyrelatedtomedicaldevicesanddiscussthepathway andmeasurestofurtherensurepatientsafetyandstrengthensafetymanagementintheclinicaluseofmedicaldevices, ...
Investment in improving patient safety can lead to significant financial savings and more importantly better patient outcomes. This is because the cost of prevention is typically much lower than the cost of treatment due to harm. As an example, i...
1 million of whom die during or immediately following surgery.As a result of improved patient safety measures, deaths related to complications from surgery have decreased in the past 50 years. Nevertheless, they remain two to three times higher in low- and middle-income countries than in high-...
World Patient Safety Day 2021 (编译自 世界卫生组织网站) Act now for safe and respectful childbirth! 现在就行动起来,实现安全、有尊严的分娩! Safe maternal and newborn care. 安全的孕产妇和新生儿医疗照护 为纪念2021年9月17日世界患者安全日,世卫组织敦促所有利益攸关方 “现在就行动起来,实现安全、有尊...
Slawomirski L, Auraaen A, Klazinga N.初级和门诊医疗中患者安全经济学:盲目飞行。巴黎:经合组织,2018年(http://www.oecd.org/health/health-systems/The-Economics-of-Patient-Safety-in-Primary-and-Ambulatory-Care-April2018. pdf,2019年7月23日)。
5 steps to improve health worker safety and patient safety. On World Patient Safety Day, WHO reminds governments that they have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of health workers. The Organization’s health worker charter calls on all Member States and...
WHO于2016年9月26—28日在意大利佛罗伦萨召开了一次全球磋商会议(Global Consultation),主题为“为全球的患者安全设置优先级(Setting Priorities for Global Patient Safety)”。这次会议由位于日内瓦的WHO总部与位于意大利的临床风险管理和患者安全中心(Centre for Clinical Risk Management and Patient Safety)、托斯卡纳地区...
1.1. Data governance and data integrity (DI) are important elements in ensuring the reliability of data and information obtained in production and control of pharmaceutical products. The data and information should be complete as well as being attributable, legible, contemporaneous, original and accurat...