His church members asked him to preach a sermon on how they should set up their government. He began his sermon, May 31, 1638, citing the Bible verse: "Deuteronomy 1:13 'CHOOSE YOU wise men and understanding and known among y...
You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall notBOW DOWNto them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the thi...
I met way more non-Christians in ministry than that. I am not talking about my opinions but the ministers coming right out and saying they either no longer believed or never believed to begin with. They felt they could make a living doing this and so they went to school for it....
At one point Jesus said “I AM the way, the TRUTH and the life…”John 14:6 Don't preach alone Join together with 18k pastors on PRO Enter your name and email to begin. Credit card required, cancel any time. Plus, get email updates & offers from SermonCentral.Privacy ...
There is a long sermon of ʿAlī in ‘Nahj ul-Balāghah’. When it was the time for Jihād against the Persians ‘Umar (RaḍiAllāhu ʿAnhu) intended to go himself in the battlefield so he sought the counsel of ʿAlī. ʿAlī advised him...
Pass, Englishman who has done his duty : impressive memorial service : stirring sermonFairclough, F. P
I am a compassionate leader who deeply love people. I am an empowering leader who brings out the best in others. I am a disciplined leader who priorities the day. Who are you? I am a Spirit empowered leader who boldly leads others to find life in Christ. I’m trying… Stop ...
'Well, who am I?' he asked. I pronounced his name, offering him at the same time my hand: he took it, smiling and saying, 'We shall do very well by and by.' Then he laid me down, and addressing Bessie, charged her to be very careful that I was not disturbed during the night...
He used to say: "There is one difference between me and the Archbishop of Canterbury: I avow what I am." Hence it was that the archbishop, justly indignant, had him one day before him; but Ursus cleverly disarmed his grace by reciting a sermon he had composed upon Christmas Day, which...
As a kid, we weren’t allowed TV or video games, but I read books almost all the time. Your post that asked what you would have done if your reading had been limited to an hour a day made me reconsider my view of limiting screen time. I think that as an INFJ, I am a huge ...