I am a flower quickly fading Here today and gone tomorrow A wave tossed in the ocean A vapor in the wind Still You hear me when I'm calling Lord, You catch me when I'm falling And You've told me who I am I am Yours 我是一朵花,迅速凋零今日还盛开,明日无影如一波入海,杳无芳踪似...
"IamTheLordyourGod, WhobroughtyououtofthelandofEgypt, outofthehouseofbondage. YoushallhavenoothergodsbeforeMe." (第一条:我是耶和华-你的上帝,曾将你从埃及地为奴之家领出来,除了我之外,你不可有别的神。)这第一条我觉得奇怪!上帝为什么不可以让我们有别的神?总有个原因和解释吧?不懂啊?我也信佛!
《Who Am I Live》是Casting Crowns演唱的歌曲,收录于《Live From Atlanta》专辑中。歌曲歌词 Who am I that the Lord of all the earth Would care to know my name Would care to feel my hurt Who am I that the Bright and Morning Star Would choose to light the way For my ever wandering ...
who I amI am YoursNot because of who I amBut because of what You've doneNot because of what I've doneBut because of who You areI am a flower quickly fadingHere today and gone tomorrowA wave tossed in the oceanA vapor in the windStill You hear me when I'm callingLord,...
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling I am Yours, I am Yours Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin Would look on me with love and watch me rise again Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea Would call out through the rain And calm the storm in me I am ...
A vapor in the wind Still you hear me when I'm calling Lord you catch me when I'm falling And you told me who I am I am I am Yours Not because of who I am But because of what you've done Not because of what I've done ...
YHVH,通常被解释为“I am who I am”或“I will be what I will be”,反映了上帝的永恒和不变性。这个名字强调了上帝作为至高无上、独一无二的主宰的身份。以下内容将详细探讨YHVH的含义及其在犹太教和基督教中的神学意义: 上帝的自我启示:YHVH是希伯来圣经中上帝自我启示的名字,意指“我是自有永有”。这个...
I Am The Lord Who Heals YouWritten by well-known preachers, these sermons explore the intimate connection between body and spirit.Scott Morris
A vapor in the wind. Still you hear me when I'm calling, Lord you catch me when I'm falling, And you told me who I am. I am yours. Not because of who I am. But because of what you've done. Not because of what I've done. ...