Since she had just graduated she had little teaching experience. But this didn’t matter. She did her best. I know it later that she made great efforts on her work. For example she often looked at herself in the mirror to exercise to control laugh in class. And for a girl who liked ...
Withthedevelopmentofscienceandtechnology,manynewthingsappearinhumanbeing’slife.Let’sguesswhattheyare:Withthedevelopmentofsc1.Withmeyoucanwatchdifferentprogrammesjustathome.I’mamachinethathasascreenwithmovingpictures andsounds.Butwatchingmetoomuchisbadforyoureyes.TelevisionWhoAmI?1.Withmeyoucanwatchdiffe2.Iamama...
I say,you say I’m a ___ (boy / girl). I’m ___(tall/ thin...). You’re a ___. You’re ___. Let’s sing 唱一唱 Exercise 拓展练习 I’m a boy . I’m short. I’m thin. Who am I? You’re ___. You’re ___. You’re ___. You’re ___ ! Look and say ...
WHO_AM_I T he timeless question of ‘Who am I?’ is a lot for anyone to grasp.If we're fortunate, our journey to find the answer is filled with moments of meaningful introspection, self-discovery, and eventual growth that can impact our lives for the better. However, if we disregard ...
In this article we describe a class exercise aimed at facilitating students' understanding of social constructionism. Students (n = 88) from 3 psychology classes wrote 10 responses to the question "Who am I?' The instructor collected and shuffled their responses, eliminating descriptors that clearly...
I am the only student _.4 Yesterday we bought a book. The book is really hard to understand. Yesterday we bought a 11、 book _.5 Is this the play? We will see the play next month. Is this the play _?who can run faster than Peterwhich is really hard to understandwhich we will ...
“It’s who i am…really!” The importance of integrated regulation in exercise contexts. J Appl Biobehav Res . 2006; 11(2): 79-104.Wilson, P. M., Rodgers, W. M., Loitz, C. C., & Scime, G. (2006). “It’s Who I Am.Really!” The importance of integrated regulation in ...
Example 2: I [the first author] am at my new office at [name of the return center] that I share together with RC2. A woman enters [the door to the office is always open whenever RC2 does not have a meeting with a resident]. She is here to inform RC2 (RC2 is this person’s co...
aI am a well educated professional gentleman who enjoys travelling and keeping fit by regular exercise including jogging and doing weights. 我是喜欢旅行和保持适合由规则练习包括跑步和做重量的一个良好教育的专业绅士。[translate]
help them with unfamiliar words. Repeat the exercise with the remaining vocabulary words. SetthePurpose • Have students read to find out more about the boy who cried “Wolf.” Remind them to make predictionsonthebasisofcluesinthestoryandthepicturesastheyread. ...