This study analyzed the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to observe its role in embodying social inclusion of older adults in attempts to prevent social exclusion. Social exclusion refers to the marginalization of individuals and groups from important economic and so...
导读 报告名:《全球老年友好城市建设指南(Global age-friendly cities: a guide)》 报告简介:本报告由世界卫生组织于 2007 年发布。随着人口老龄化和城市化的发展,为促进城市向老年友好型发展,充分发掘老年人潜能,世界卫生组织开展了相关研究并制定此...
Age-friendly cities and communitiesParticipatory approachMulti-stakeholder involvementInter-sectoral collaborationNetworkThis interview with Lisa Warth, Technical Officer at the Department of Ageing and Life Course at the World Health Organization lays out the origins, developments and challenges for the WHO ...
The World Health Organization (WHO)'s Age-Friendly Community (AFC) initiative has gained worldwide momentum. Yet, measures have not been validated in regions with various levels of socio-economic development. This article used a nationally representative dataset in China to (a) analyze community-...
President Joe Biden will take an indirect shot at Donald Trump during his State of the Union, while also noting the two rivals are similar in age. Here’s what Biden will say, according to excerpts of the speech released by the White House. “My lifetime has taught me to embrace fr...
Age-friendly cities and communities (AFC) is an international movement initiated by the World Health Organization in response to simultaneous patterns of global aging and urbanization. A key aspect of AFC is a commitment to a cycle of continual improvement that addresses key aspects of the ... Accessed 21 February 2023. D’Ignazio, Catherine; and Lauren F. Klein (2020). Data feminism. Strong Ideas Series. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Book Google ...
Fourth, global healthy ageing measurement milestones are set in 2023, 2026, 2029, and 2030 to update on progress and show that it is possible for governments to act at the policy, system, and service level to enable each person to drive change and age healthier within a more age-friendly ...
WHO Looks to Create Age-Friendly New Haven Guide to Support SeniorsWHO Looks to Create Age-Friendly New Haven Guide to Support SeniorsNEW HAVEN » How easy is it to live in the New Haven area ifyou're a senior? How well can you get...Stannard...
In the digital age, access to stable and high-speed network services has become a basic need for every human being. Huawei focuses on ICT solutions and smart devices, and is committed to providing technology, products, services, and solutions to drive social progress. For more than 30 years,...