The World Health Organization (WHO)'s Age-Friendly Community (AFC) initiative has gained worldwide momentum. Yet, measures have not been validated in regions with various levels of socio-economic development. This article used a nationally representative dataset in China to (a) analyze community-...
Age-friendly cities and communities (AFC) is an international movement initiated by the World Health Organization in response to simultaneous patterns of global aging and urbanization. A key aspect of AFC is a commitment to a cycle of continual improvement that addresses key aspects of the ...
This study analyzed the World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to observe its role in embodying social inclusion of older adults in attempts to prevent social exclusion. Social exclusion refers to the marginalization of individuals and groups from important economic and so...
he was introduced to a group of men who have sex with men (MSM) who met once a week at theHanuman Mandirnear Connaught Place. And that was his coming of age!
As the survey of current patrons indicated, the area around the South branch has a relatively large number of teens (ages 15-19), while the Eastlake branch has a large population of younger children (under age 15) living in the surrounding area. And while the area near the C...
“I know I may not look like it, but I’ve been around a while. And when you get to my age, certain things become clearer than ever before.” Biden also said that at certain points in his career he’d been called “too young” (he was elected to the Senate at age 29), bu...
ACTIVE AGEING: TOWARDS AGE-FRIENDLY PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Towards Age-friendly Primary Health Care World Health OrganizationWHO Library Cataloguing-in-Public... CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles): Towards age-friendly primary health care. (Active ageing series) 1.Health services...
According to the WHO, an estimated 230,127 children under five years of age and more than 3.3 million community members will benefit from the project interventions. Over 700 health workers will be trained on screening, outreach, and treatment procedures in the course of the project. ...
As members of the LGBTQ+ community shift housing locations, evidence of other types of LGBTQ-friendly or inclusive neighborhoods is emerging (Bitterman2020; Spring2021). As established gay neighborhoods deconcentrate, clusters of male same-sex couples [and other LGBTQ+ couples and individuals] emerge...
Fourth, global healthy ageing measurement milestones are set in 2023, 2026, 2029, and 2030 to update on progress and show that it is possible for governments to act at the policy, system, and service level to enable each person to drive change and age healthier within a more age-friendly ...