Instead, she acts with a singular goal in mind and never waivers. Serena is as logical and scientific as a thunderstorm, and, like with most natural disasters, is impossible to turn away from. Rash explores aspects of Serena’s personality at great length, but it was as if he couldn’t...
Tags:barack obama, comedy central, fiction, Katniss Everdeen, stephen colbert, the colbert report, the hunger games, writing, writing advice, writing blog Pictured: the most adorable man in all of late night TV. No offense, Craig Ferguson. It’s a dark time in America because everyone’s ...
In The Hunger Games, where does Katniss Everdeen live? Did Agatha Christie write 'Lost Souls'? Was Harry Potter JK Rowling's first book? Does the character Anna Karenina kill herself? Who is the femme fatale in Double Indemnity? Does Saphira die in Eragon?