Public Healthdoi:10.1136/bmjgh-2022-009557Caitlin.GerdtsIbis Reproductive Health, Oakland, California, USA O.BellDepartment of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.Mridula.Shankar...
私は新聞を翻訳してみたいです。 以下は英語(もともとのバージョンです)と私が翻訳したの日本語のバージョンです。 もしできれば、私の日本語のバージョンを直してよろしいでしょうか? 英語のバージョンです: ”Officials: Indiana doctor who reported Ohio 10-year-old’s abortion violated pri...
comeinmorefrequentcontactwithhealthcaresettingsduringpregnancy,childbirth,abortionandpostnatal care.Thisexposuremayincreasetheriskofmiscarriage,maternalandneonatalsepsis,surgicalsiteinfections andmaternalmortality(54,68).PooraccesstoWASHalsodisproportionallyaffectswomenandgirlsintermsoftheirsafety,dignityandexperienceofhealth...
The main goal of the tool is to support health workers in the process of decision-making by implementing WHO standards and guidelines for the provision of quality abortion care. This is achieved by, providing checklists and contextual information for the health worker to aid case management, ...
2022 .The head of the World Health Organization criticized the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling that guaranteed women a constitutional right to abortion, calling it “a setback” that would ultimately cost women's lives.Credit: Johanna Geron/Pool Photo vi...
Abortion-related complications remain a main cause of maternal mortality. There is little evidence on the availability and quality of post-abortion care (PAC) in humanitarian settings. We assessed the quality of PAC in two hospitals supported by an inter
president donald trump announced thursday he would pardon anti-abortion activists convicted of blockading abortion clinic entrances. trump called it “a great honor to sign this.” "they should not have been prosecuted," he said as he signed pardons for "peaceful pro-life protesters.”...
abortion procedures”, governors in a number of states have called for a halt to abortion care throughout the COVID-19. Governors in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Oklahoma have ordered or supported the cessation of both medication and surgical abortion, while governors in other ...
While this approach has not been evaluated in persons who use substances, National Abortion Federation guidelines include the option of gabapentin for some persons as adjuvant treatment during and after surgical abortion [34]. Gabapentin may be considered for patients who uses substances undergoing ...
Potentially as a result, several interviewees shared their fear of facing (legal) repercussions, for example, from students’ parents (e.g. is parental consent required before teaching controversial topics such as the issue of abortion?). One student teacher mentioned that she is well aware that...