The product label is the worker's first source of information about the hazards of a product and how to use it safely. In WHMIS, supplier labels for hazardous workplace products must display the product identifier and supplier identifier, as well as hazard pictogram(s); signal words (new);...
Allhazardousproductsintheworkplacemustbelabeled. Therearetwotypesoflabels:supplierlabelsand workplacelabels. Asupplierlabelmustappearonallproductsreceivedat workplaces,andcontainthefollowinginformation: productidentifier,informationonsafehandling,supplier identification,statementthatanMSDSisavailable, ...
categories that do not require a pictogram at all. The WHMIS Safety Data Sheets outline what is still required on the data sheets and/or labelling for the materials that may fall into these categories. For example, they may still require a word, hazard statement, or other required label ...
: where a Canadian importer may retain the name of the foreign supplier rather than replacing it with their own if the hazardous product is imported for use in their own work place (), the US must provide the name, address and telephone number of the U.S. manufacturer, importer, or othe...
A supplier label is lost or cannot be read Safety data sheets Every product classified as a hazardous product under WHMIS 2015 that is found in a workplace must have a safety data sheet (SDS). An SDS tells you: The product's hazards ...