WHMIS 2015 has two major hazard groups: Physical Hazards Group: chemicals in this hazard group present significant physical danger. Products are classified based on their physical state (solid, liquid, gas) and physical properties (explosive, flammable, corrosive). Health hazard Group: chemicals in...
WHMIS 2015 divides hazardous products into two major hazard groups: physical hazards and health hazards. These two groups are further divided into hazard classes, which group together products with similar properties. Physical hazards Health hazards Each hazard class contains at least one category, whic...
Risk is the chance of something happening that will have a negative impact on objectives. A hazard is a source of potential harm.An unwanted event is a potential situation where the hazard can be released. Risk = Probability of Occurrence x Consequence of the Outcome LIFE MATTERS, SAFETY FIRST...