A Simple Alipay payment gateway for WHMCS. Contribute to weloveidc/WHMCS-Payment-Gateway-alipay development by creating an account on GitHub.
WePay Payment Gateway for WHMCS. Contribute to big89/whmcs-wepay-payment-gateway development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
https://github.com/helcim/whmcs-commerce Pre-requisites WHMCS 7.4 Helcim account with gateway feature enabled. Please contact us to have this feature enabled on your account. The Helcim module for WHMCS (link above) PHP with cURL module enabled ...
PAYSSION Payment Gateway Module for WHMCS. Contribute to payssion/plugin_whmcs development by creating an account on GitHub.
git clone https://github.com/1-stream/PolygonForWHMCS 下载过后请按照项目目录结构将文件分别复制到includes/hooks和modules/gateways目录。 并在WHMCSSystem Setting -> Payment Gateways -> All Payment Gateways启用扩展,并在System Setting -> Payment Gateways -> Manage Existing Gateways中配置相关信息。 请注意...
Perfect your WHMCS with free action hooks, reports and modules. Follow us onGithubfor more contents. 48 posts Bulk Auto Recalculate Client Domains & Products/Services ByMark,December 12, 2022 Katamaze Module Support This board acts as a place where you can get support by us (no guarantee) ...
A Simple Alipay payment gateway for WHMCS. Contribute to weloveidc/WHMCS-Payment-Gateway-alipay development by creating an account on GitHub.
安装需求 LNMP/LAMP With PHP5.4+ curl、openssl扩展 whmcs5、 whmcs6、 whmcs7版本 简要安装说明 1.上传文件到服务器 直接将modules覆盖到whmcs根目录下开启即可 2.开通有赞 #获取相应的client_id、client_secret、店铺ID写到whmcs支付网关处 注册教程:https://github.com/52fancy/whmcs-yzpay/wiki/%E6%9C%89...
WHMCS 财务系统对接金莎云免签支付API(你们怎么用,与我无瓜好吧:). Contribute to tutugreen/WHMCS-JSJ-API-Pay-Gateway development by creating an account on GitHub.