我正在自定义WHMCS发票模板 invoicepdf.tpl。它是一个PHP脚本基本上以HTML格式排列数据,然后将其转换为PDF。我只能在该文件中查看客户端信息和发票详细信息。如何在那里获取产品组详细信息? 看答案 您必须使用WHMCS发票挂钩( https://developers.whmcs.com/hooks-reference/invoices-and-quotes/ )。例如: 如果您只...
The logo on PDF invoices and quotes is in the/assets/img/folder. To change this logo, upload the required logo to the/assets/img/folder. The name of the file should belogo.jpgorlogo.png. You can change the width of the logo image in theinvoicepdf.tpltemplate file. On line10, adjust...
如果您只想自定义它的显示方式,https://developers.whmcs.com/hooks-reference/invoices-and-quotes/#viewinvoicedetailspage。 如果您想在创建https://developers.whmcs.com/hooks-reference/invoices-and-quotes/#invoicecreation时修改发票。 然后,在钩子中,如果需要,可以从tblproductgroups或任何其他表中请求所需的数据。
This allows for better quality output, since you can place anything you want in your PDF template like your logo, company information, banking information etc. BestPDF will then draw the customer address, invoice details, items and transaction table where they belong and you get the perfect invo...
"Invoice mass pdf export" is a module, which exports your invoices between selected dates in pdf files. It's different to the mass pdf export from WHMCS itself, because the module exports one pdf file each invoice. INSTALLATION Maintenance free. No active template modifications or file replaceme...
邮件标题:您在{$company_name}的信用卡付款确认 邮件内容: 亲爱的{$client_last_name}{$client_first_name}: 这是您{$invoice_date_created}的账单{$invoice_num}: {$invoice_html_contents} 金额:{$invoice_last_payment_amount} 交易号:{$invoice_last_payment_transid} 总额:{$invoice_amount_paid} 余额...
In WHMCS 8.7 and later, information about legacy Smarty tags that the system has detected in your custom theme and template files. We plan to permanently remove support for legacy Smarty tags in WHMCS 9.0.Youmustdisable and remove them. ...
viewinvoice.tpl viewquote.tpl viewticket.tpl README WHMCS Twenty-One Client Area Template Theme Welcome to the WHMCS “Twenty-One” template repository! This repository is dedicated to providing version-by-version changes of the “Twenty-One” template as published inWHMCS. Sharing these changes ...
Some system enables you to "uncheck" the flag and then change the invoice.I know there are some workaround for this by saving the PDFs of the invoices in a 3rd place or by using the fixed PDF data plugin available as a addon, but they are workarounds and does not solve the basic...
If you have a customized PDF template, the logo image may have a different filename or location. Review theinvoicepdf.tplandquotepdf.tplcode to confirm whether the filename and folder path are customized and, if they are, adjust them accordingly....