因为用root用户把 user1文件copy 给user2后, 文件的所有者是 root,此时如果权限不是 777,那么ftp-user2 的文件,use2无法修改,需要更改文件拥有者 将目前目录下的所有档案与子目录的拥有者皆设为 users 群组的使用者 lamport : chown-R lamport:users * 这样修改完后,user2才能修改 ftp-user2里面的文件 但或...
1首先设定一个套餐,假设您要给用户1G磁盘空间和10G月流量, 进入Add Packages New Package Name中输入新套餐名称,例如我们这里写start Quota (MB)输入磁盘空间,例如我们这里是1024 Bandwidth (MB)输入流量,例如我们这里是10240 Max FTP Accounts设定FTP帐户数量,unlimited是不限制,您可以自己设一个值 Max Email Account...
Disclaimer: This option will only work if you have ftp/ssh/filesystem access. Depending on email volume, you could miss emails that arrive during the transition. If possible, it is recommended to use something like imapsync. There could be format issues if the two email servers use different...
千万不要将主机名设定为一个已用的名称(www,ftp,mail等)或者设定为服务器上的一个账户名(www.domain.com)。这就是说你的主机名绝对不能是一个域名,尤其不能是你的域名!! 9. 输入你希望接收的Apache日志的类型名。有两个选项: · Combined —— 记录所有信息,包括参照页,用户代理和被请求的文件。 · Acc...
·Backup Raw Access Logs(备份原始访问日志)——备份包括Apache原始访问日志。 ·Backup Type(备份类型)——选择你需要的备份类型。 ·FTP Backup Host(FTP备份主机)——输入FTP备份主机的域名(只有在启用了Remote FTP Server的情况下才需要)。 ·FTP Backup User(FTP备份用户)——输入用于FTP备份主机的用户名(只有...
Store Files Via Local Storage, FTP, Passive FTP, or SCP Host Script Securely On Your Own Hosting Account (No Need To Give A Third Party Access To Your WHM Account). Instant Delivery! (Product delivered via email) Looking For Inexpensive Backup Storage?
FTP Manage FTP Accounts Anonymous FTP Controls File Manager Site Tools Ability to Change site and root password Custom Error Pages Redirects Ability to Edit Mime Types Ability to Edit Apache Handlers Install/Uninstall FrontPage Extensions Search Engine Submit Tool Advanced tools Manage GPG Keys Cron ...
Phone Support - US: 888-401-4678 International: +1 801-765-9400 You may also refer to ourKnowledge Basearticles to help answer common questions and guide you through various setup, configuration, and troubleshooting steps.
Access webmail and manage email clients. File Management Upload, manage, and organize files using File Manager. Set up and manage FTP accounts. Manage disk usage and quotas. Database Management Create and manage MySQL and MariaDB databases. Use phpMyAdmin to manage database tables and queries. ...
Max FTP Accounts:This will set a limit of how many FTP accounts can be created on the cPanel account using this package. In this example we’ve set it to a max of 5 FTP accounts. Max Email Accounts:This will set a limit of how many Email Addresses / accounts can be created on the...