white-space [normal | pre | pre-wrap | pre-line | nowrap] css中的white-space属性用来设置文本中空白字符的处理方式,其中空白字符包括空格,tab, 换行符等,可取值有: normal:合并空白字符(多个空格或tab会被合并为一个空格),忽略换行符,允许根据容器宽度自动换行(下面简称自动换行) nowrap:合并空白字符,忽略...
css的whitespace whitespace在线工具whitespacebefore white-space [normal | pre | pre-wrap | pre-line | nowrap]css中的white-space属性用来设置文本中空白字符的处理方式,其中空白字符包括空格,tab, 换行符等,可取值有:normal:合并空白字符(多个空格或tab会被合并为一个空格),忽略换行符,允许根据容器宽度自动换行...
WhiteSpace.NOWRAP.getCssName().equals(getElement().getStyle().getWhiteSpace()); } 開發者ID:GwtMaterialDesign,項目名稱:gwt-material,代碼行數:5,代碼來源:BaseCheckBox.java 示例7: setWordWrap ▲點讚 2▼ importcom.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.WhiteSpace;//導入依賴的package包/類@Overridepublicvoidse...
2.1.100 [CSS-Level2-2009] Section 16.6, Whitespace: the 'white-space' property V0157: The specification states: 'white-space' Value: normal | pre | nowrap | pre-wrap | pre-line | inherit Initial: normal Applies to: all elements Inherited: yes Percentages: N/A Media: visual C...
nowrap was deprecated in HTML4 and is not a part of HTML5. I strongly suggest using CSS instead.有用 回复 撰写回答 你尚未登录,登录后可以 和开发者交流问题的细节 关注并接收问题和回答的更新提醒 参与内容的编辑和改进,让解决方法与时俱进 注册登录 ...
Example 1: Use the “whitespace-nowrap” Property to Control the Whitespace in Tailwind First, utilize the “whitespace-nowrap” property to control an element’s whitespace. It allows normal whitespace behavior. To do so, add a class inside the element to which you want to control the whitesp...
In the CSS below, each of the paragraphs has a different value specified for the IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration::whiteSpace property.複製 body { width: 300px; } p { background-color: #D6D6D6; } #normal{ white-space: normal; } #pre{ white-space: pre; } #nowrap{ white-space: nowrap; ...
If you setwordWrap:falsethen the classhtNoWrapis added to the cells. This will set csswhite-space: nowrapwhich does stop wrapping but also will also remove new line characters (visually)... To fix this one would need to change thehtNoWrapto setwhite-space: prewhich will preserve spaces ...
white-space: nowrap; white-space: nowrap; } /* Indentation variable */ Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ $indent-var: 0rem + ($doc-line-height / $doc-font-size); background-image : -ms-linear-gradient(top, $startColor, $endColor); // IE10 background-image : -o...
.example { width: 200px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #FF0000; margin: 10px; } .normal { white-space: normal; } .nowrap { white-space: nowrap; } .pre { white-space: pre; } The white-space property is set to normal. The white-space property is set to normal. Th...