combining human,Engineer, and Alien traits, though not exactly a Xenomorph itself. This hybrid was born from a pregnant woman who, in a desperate attempt to survive, injected herself with the Black Goo Pathogen to try and heal her injuries. The Offspring's existence underscores the powerful inf...
We dont know HOW the Neomorph would Procreate what we do see is the Neomorph and Xenomorph in Alien Covenant seemed VERY DRIVEN by Instinct and were VERY Aggressive. I am NOT sure we would have seen the Neomorph again it DEPENDED on WHERE we would see Ridley Scott take us in the ...
“White clearly loves theAlienuniverse, and there are some well-thought through and described encounters between humans and Xenomorphs – including one of the best descriptions I’ve yet seen regarding the way that the aliens can fold themselves into the tightest of corners.” ...