Ronald Rens,M. Sc., Wine Master. Intimate gourmet meals andexclusive accommodation at a private Chateau! 100% satisfied and delighted guests:many coming back for 2, 3 or even 4 times! 19.07.2019 Ronald Bordeaux tasting notes and ratings & News...
(To make with a mortar and pestle, view recipe notes here). Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. Meanwhile, transfer the pesto to a saucepan or skillet and heat it over low-medium heat. You want to warm the pesto slowly and gently without bringing it to a boil. Stir the...
A Niagara white wine that offers up notes of fresh peach and orange blossom, this Lakeview Cellars Viognier is sure to tantalize your palate!
BLUE NUN Medium White Wine全国共有 8 个小伙伴喝过哦! <1/ 2 张> 类型白葡萄酒 国家意大利Italy 产区托斯卡纳产区Toscana 酒庄蓝仙姑酒庄Blue Nun 葡萄灰皮诺Pinot Gris 综合评分 2 参考价格 / CNY ¥178.00-182.00() 品鉴信息TASTING NOTES 风味: ...
Notes 报名须知 Space is limited, so please RSVP as soon as possible to secure your spot. 本次活动名额有限,请尽快报名保留您的席位。 Tickets 票价 Please scan the QR code below to register! 欢迎扫描下方二维码报名! Fol...
Tasting Notes: preserved lemon, honeydew melon, white blossoms, white peach, crushed rocks Food Pairing: oysters, prawns Provençal, salt cod croquettes, carbonara pasta, all-around great with seafood Picpoul de Pinet displays flavors of lemon and saline, white blossoms and wet stones. Literally...
酒款综述WINE TASTING NOTES 香格里拉酒业于2000年初在云南迪庆香格里拉成立,在藏语中,“香格里拉”意为“心中的日月”,是永恒、圣洁与神秘的象征。香格里拉海拔1800高原干白葡萄酒采用霞多丽酿造而成,酿酒葡萄源于澜沧江河谷地带海拔1,800的瑞瓦村。该酒酒液呈亮丽的禾秆黄色,花香馥郁,果香清新,橡木桶陈酿发展而来的...
reviews and tasting notes of three Pinot Blancs from Alsacethat you may want to bear in mind for your Spring/Summer wine shopping list: check them out onFlora’s Table! Flora's Table Disclaimer: this review is of samples that I received from the producers’ US PR agency. My review has ...
The rapid development of the Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, from its infancy in the 1980s to global recognition within a decade or so, is one of the most dramatic events in the world of wine. Producing highly pungent, idiosyncratic yet readily identifiable wines (tasting notes regularly cite ...
参考价格 / CNY ¥1300.00-1400.00(1995) 品鉴信息TASTING NOTES 风味: 酸度中高 丨 甜度干 丨 酒体中等 丨 回味中高 颜色: 柠檬 香气: 柑橘花香 、柠檬 、荔枝 、菠萝 建议试饮期 : 2002-2015年 配餐: 鱼类 贝类 虾类 适饮温度 : 12℃ 酿造方式介绍BREWING TECHNIQUE ...