Chardonnay is one of the most widely planted varieties. Although best known as the white grape of Burgundy and the cornerstone of Champagne, it is produced to a huge spectrum of wine styles. From a creamy, buttery, oak-aged to a lean and crisp sparkling wine, Chardonnay is versatile, appro...
美贺庄园尊享西拉干红葡萄酒 ENJOY SYRAH DRY RED WINE ¥559.00 美贺庄园甄酿干红葡萄酒 LIMITED RELEASE DRY RED WINE ¥350.00 商品详情 商品评价(0) 购买咨询 品牌:美贺庄园 权利声明: 注:本站商品信息均来自于合作方,其真实性、准确性和合法性由信息拥有者(合作方)负责。本站不提供任何保证,并不承...
葡萄品种名: 霞多丽(Chardonnay) 中文别名: 莎当妮、布诺瓦 英文别名: Aubaine, Auvernat, Auxerrois, Beaunois, Chaudenay, Clevner, Clavner, Gamay Blanc, Luisant, Melon a Queue Rouge, Melon d'Arbois, Obaideh, Pinot Blanc Chardonnay, Wais Elder, Waiser Clevner, Morillon 原产地: 法国...
关于“杜奈特霞多丽酿酒师珍藏干白葡萄酒(Duette Chardonnay Premium White Wine, Casablanca Valley, Chile) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自智利卡萨布兰卡谷产区的白葡萄酒,为智利魔狮酒庄旗下杜奈特系列酒款,由霞多丽酿制而成。该酒色泽明亮,散发着梨、橘子和甜瓜等水果香气,同时还夹杂着榛子、杏仁和核桃等气息。其口感...
1 伦茨白色标签霞多丽干白葡萄酒 The Lenz Winery White Label Chardonnay, North Fork of Long Island, USA年份全部年份 2010 2008 2007 2006 1998 1996 NV国内市场参考价:¥205 (NV年份) 酒庄 伦茨酒庄产区 美国» 纽约州 品种霞多丽 酒款综述 此酒产自伦茨酒庄,由霞多丽酿成,口感干燥,酒香丰富,酸度脆...
Torrontés wines range in style from light and fresh to heady and intensely perfumed, often expressing spicy, soapy characters and aromas of white flowers. There can be some similarities with theMuscatfamily. Blending Torrontés with Chardonnay is popular inArgentina, for more information please seeCh...
Red Wine vs White Wine Made with Different Grapes Fundamentally speaking, red wines are made with red grapes (Pinot Noir,Cabernet Sauvignon, etc.) and white wines are made with white grapes (Chardonnay,Pinot Grigio, etc). What’s interesting, though, is that nearly all wines we find in the...
霞多丽(Chardonnay) 典型香气:柠檬、西柚、菠萝、甜瓜、苹果、梨、杏仁、山楂花、椴花、蜂蜜、新鲜奶油、烤面包、烤杏仁和烤榛子等起源:霞多丽(Chardonnay)原产于法国索恩鲁瓦尔省(Saone-et-Loire),里昂(Lyon)和第戎(Dijon)之间,主要在金丘(Cote d' Or)、索恩鲁瓦尔(Saone-et-Loire)和马恩(Marne)产区。该品种在...
1 玛根限量版白标霞多丽干白葡萄酒 Margan Limited Release White Label Chardonnay, Broke Fordwich, Australia年份全部年份 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 NV国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (NV年份) 酒庄 玛根酒庄产区 澳大利亚 » 新南威尔士州 品种霞多丽 酒款综述 这款霞多丽干白葡萄酒带有非常明显的烤面包和...
2016年白岩酒庄霞多丽白葡萄酒 2016 White Rock Vineyards Chardonnay, Napa Valley, USA年份全部年份 2016国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (2016年份) 酒庄 白岩酒庄产区 美国» 加利福尼亚州 » 纳帕谷 品种霞多丽 风味特征柑橘 核果 油桃 矿物质酒款综述 这款白葡萄酒散发着新鲜的柑橘、核果和蜂蜜的香气,入...