It worked. I took off the scoks and gave him a cool bath in a 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar. After the second hour we are down to 100.5. I love these natural remedies. . . No doctors and no medicine. Thank You!!! Reply7 ...
Now, I normally mop my floors with hot water and white vinegar. This has worked out well in my opinion, but I’m always happy to try something new. So I bought the purple Pine Sol and gave it a try. I was pleased. The scent was pleasant, and my floors looked clean. I also took...
the position he held was anything but glamorous. Being a member of the White House medical staff may seem like a dream job for most doctors, but Dr. Ruge described his role as “vastly overrated, boring and not medically challenging.”[2]This was only one of the fac...
Vinegar, vanilla, coffee beans, or a candle in the room are also helpful in controlling odors.2,138,144 External odor absorbers in the room are effective but, at times, the smells they create can be overwhelming themselves. Recommendations 1.0. Manage the PrU and periwound area on a ...
One day, so Mo believed, Cricklewood and its residents would have cause to thank him for his daily massacre16; one day no man, woman or child in the broadway would ever again have to mix one part detergent17 to four parts vinegar to clean up the crap that falls on the world. The ...
“请把 vinegar 递给我,在 soy sauce 旁边的那个。” 单词量很大,连 vinegar 醋和 soy sauce 酱油 都知道,但却不会表达,说出来是的中文句子,中间夹了几个英语单词。 《秘方》就是要让你来个 180 度大转弯,即使单词量很少,也会用英语表达。请看 “Please pass me the 醋, the one next to the ...