Drying immediately: For both whites and colors, it's important to dry clothes immediately after the washing machine stops. Wet clothing that sits (and sits) in the machine can end up developing mold or mildew, which is not only unsightly and smelly, but also bad for your...
Mold & Mildew Resistant Up to 1 Gallon Capacity With Ultrasonic Technology Unlike other humidifiers that grow slimy mold and mildew, the PureGuardian 70-Hour* Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier uses SilverClean technology to help fight the growth of mold and mil...
Hanging these clothes is best if you live in an area with low humidity because this will help prevent mold and mildew from growing on clothing that has been washed in water but not dried properly. However, if you do not have anywhere suitable in which to hang your garments outside then ...
Vinegar contains acetic acid and malic acid that have antimicrobial properties to fight fungal disease in plants. It prevents the growth of pathogens and controls the spread of powdery mildew. To make a vinegar solution, mix 3 tbsps. Of vinegar to a gallon of water and transfer the diluted so...
I am curious about why the white stains are off at roof center and not directly below the swamp cooler. Anyhow, I would first try a vinegar solution. That is the least aggressive liquid to use, least likely to damage the roof, and least toxic on the ground. Start with maybe a gallon...