The white-tailed eagle is a very large species of sea eagle widely distributed across temperate Eurasia. As are all eagles, it is a member of the family Accipitridae which includes other diurnal raptors such as hawks, kites, and harriers. Everything You Need To Know About The White-Tailed ...
Finally, a habitat model and a habitat suitability map were developed using white-tailed eagle distribution data of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to assess the amount of habitat still available for the expanding white-tailed eagle population.Scholz...
tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) was studied in Sweden (Helanderet al., 1982, 2002). The occurrences of undeveloped eggs, the strongest correlation with the desiccation index (water loss during development), was correlated to DDE. The levels of 2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1-...
Origin and genetic structure of white-tailed sea eagles ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) in the Czech Republic: an analysis of breeding distribution, ringing data ... The population of white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) in the Czech Republic declined dramatically during the twentieth century. ...
In this chapter, distance from breeding site, spatial distribution of birds found dead and location of foraging waters of white-tailed sea eagles is put into context with existing wind turbines in Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany. A general spatial separation of breeding sites of the white-...
Pinching off syndrome in free-ranging white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Europe: frequency and geographic distribution of a generalized feat... Pinching off syndrome in free-ranging white-tailed sea eagles ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) in Europe: frequency and geographic distribution of a...
Origin and genetic structure of white-tailed sea eagles ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) in the Czech Republic: an analysis of breeding distribution, ringing data ... The population of white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) in the Czech Republic declined dramatically during the twentieth century. ...
摘要: Long-term monitoring of the Steller's sea eagle population was conducted in 5 bays of the north-eastern Sakhalin, in the area of about 3 thousand km2, in 2004–2014. Spatial distribution of nesting …" [more]会议名称: 4-th Eurasian congress on raptors ...
any of various long-winged aquatic birds of the family Laridae, of worldwide distribution, typically white with gray or black upper wings and back. [1400–50; perhaps < Welshgŵylan,Cornishguilan(compare Frenchgoéland< Bretongwelan)]
white-tailed deer white-tailed jackrabbit white-tailed kite white-tailed sea eagle whitethorn whitethroat white-throated sparrow white-tie whitetip shark white-tipped shark Whitetop white-topped aster whitewall whitewall tire whiteware whitewash ...