Related to white-tailed deer:black-tailed deer white-tailed deer male white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus white-tailed deer (wīt′tāld′, hwīt′-) n. A North American deer(Odocoileus virginianus)having a coat that is grayish- or reddish-brown, a tail that is white on the underside,...
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Define white-tie. white-tie synonyms, white-tie pronunciation, white-tie translation, English dictionary definition of white-tie. n. 1. A white bow tie worn as a part of formal evening dress. 2. Formal evening wear, usually requiring a tailcoat for men a
Illustration of herd of Bison feeding on praire, Bison rolling in dry earth, Vulture in flight, Black-tailed Prairie Dogs on burrows, and Bobcat Flock of Killdeer flying Ducks taking off Desert Plant Birds Multiple Exposure of young man and nature Birds Chickens Illustration of a group of Whi...
white-to-black amplitude range white-to-black frequency swing White-toothed shrew white-top tube white-topped aster White-van man White-van man white-van men White-washed White-washed white-water white-water White-water rafting White-water rafting ...
Define White Tai. White Tai synonyms, White Tai pronunciation, White Tai translation, English dictionary definition of White Tai. Noun 1. White Tai - a branch of the Tai languages Tai - the most widespread and best known of the Kadai family of languages
Define white-tiely. white-tiely synonyms, white-tiely pronunciation, white-tiely translation, English dictionary definition of white-tiely. n. 1. A white bow tie worn as a part of formal evening dress. 2. Formal evening wear, usually requiring a tailcoat
Related to whitepox:white fox,Black Pox alastrim (əˈlæstrɪm) n a form of smallpox caused by the virusVariola minor Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014...
Define White-tailed jack. White-tailed jack synonyms, White-tailed jack pronunciation, White-tailed jack translation, English dictionary definition of White-tailed jack. Noun 1. white-tailed jackrabbit - largest hare of northern plains and western mounta
Define white-footed mice. white-footed mice synonyms, white-footed mice pronunciation, white-footed mice translation, English dictionary definition of white-footed mice. n. A small, primarily nocturnal mouse of central and eastern North America, having f