This study aimed to comprehensively analyze primary and secondary metabolites of three different-colored (white, pale green, and green) pak choi cultivars (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis) using gas chromatography attached with time-of-flight mass spectro
Pak choi is a bit thirstier than other cabbage relatives, and its roots need to be kept consistently moist. These plants can—and will—bolt if they don’t get enough water. Mine have gone to seed during a sudden heatwave simply because I didn’t water them twice a day. If you live ...
In [85], using human white adipocytes (human multipotent adipose-derived stem (hMADS) cells) in vitro, it was demonstrated that once induced, the expression of brown adipocyte marker genes is maintained for a period up to one week independently of continued rosiglitazone administration; hence, ...