Black Pill & White Pill 作曲:惘闻 编曲:惘闻 制作人:谢玉岗 监制:邓成龙 纯音乐 吉他:耿鑫、谢玉岗 贝斯:徐增铮 鼓:周连江 键盘:张岩峰、谢玉岗 小号:黄凯 次中音号:黄凯 录音工程师:尹冲 录音室:郊眠寺、惘闻工作室 混音工程师:谢玉岗、邓成龙 母带:Scott Hull@Masterdisk Studio ...
Mann N, Sinclair A, Pille M, Johnson L, Warrick G, Reder E, Lorenz R. 1997. The effect of short-term diets rich in fish, red meat, or white meat on thromboxane and prostacyclin syn- thesis in humans. Lipids 32: 635-644.Mann N, Sinclair A, Pille M, Johnson L, Warrick G, ...
Large deformation properties of foods are important as they influTenhceelhaorgwe pdreofdourmctas tairoenepxrpoeprieerntciesdfboyr tBhLePcIoannsdumWeLr,, ldsuarrinegshhoawndnliinngtahnedfocromnsoufmrpotiaotnio[n7a4l]. sIthceaanr sbteressesenvsthsatrtaBiLnPcIugrveelsswineFreigmuroere...
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