This white paper explains the challenges faced by patients in health insurance coverage utilization. The American Hospital Association had conducted a survey to understand the health plan utilization management practices and published the white paper based on the findings from the survey. The paper also...
Over a two-day period, four working groups provided a framework to facilitate networking, motivate task oriented creative thinking, and maintain a timely accomplishment of assigned duties in the context of the conference themes. Participants in the conference were assigned to one of four working ...
What's the proper way to write a white paper? Discover tons of tips and examples to help you get started here...
If your competitors are driving traffic to a specific white paper landing page and are spending quite a bit on it, it indicates that this white paper is working for them. They wouldn’t be spending all that money if it wasn’t generating any ROI. You should sign up for the white paper...
If your competitors are driving traffic to a specific white paper landing page and are spending quite a bit on it, it indicates that this white paper is working for them. They wouldn’t be spending all that money if it wasn’t generating any ROI. ...
White Paper and I hope the College Business Centres will be given the power to decide and act on what works best for local skills needs, working directly with local employers. However, college-based training will not work for everyone, we need flexible funding and a vision that encompasses ...
The White Paper was drafted by more than one hundred member-company representatives. Some of this year's key themes: A call for China to continue its economic opening and reform by allowing foreign organizations to compete on a...
The current PDF version of the whitepaper can be found here. This paper describes a new model of cloud native computing enabled by emerging "serverless" architectures and their supporting platforms. It defines what serverless computing is, highlights use cases and successful examples of serverless co...
The SOS_Task spinlock also signals threads in the queue when incompatible latches are released, allowing the waiting threads to acquire a compatible latch and continue working. The wait queue is processed on a first in, first out (FIFO) basis as latch requests are released. Latches follow ...
All Power BI policies and capabilities described in this paper such as Row Level Security (RLS) and object-level security (OLS) are automatically applied to all users independently of whether they access Power BI through the Power BI portal or through customized portals....