Bonus:I created a free white paper template to help you quickly whip up powerful white papers. Download it now. Click Here to download a free white paper template for writing the perfect white paper! How to write a white paper headline For your headline, you should write something that will...
Bonus:I created a free white paper template to help you quickly whip up powerful white papers. Download it now. Click Here to download a free white paper template for writing the perfect white paper! How to write a white paper headline For your headline, you should write something that will...
In this white paper, we've put together a complete guide on why to mass migrate your SMB clients' websites, and the considerations for success. Download a copy today! Download Do What With Me? Defining the Optimal SMB Service Model In cooperation with Localogy, this report helps to bet...
View whitepaper Scaling On-Call in a DevOps Organization Learn more about On-call Fundamentals, the DevOps movement and its crucial Use of on-call scheduling with our free whitepaper. View whitepaper Fair compensation for on-call teams Download Opsgenie's latest whitepaper to learn how Opsg...
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Template for white paper submissions to the 2020 Long Range plane for Canadian astronomy, LRP2020. For further information see the call for white papers
We include both of these in the download file as, for certain projects, you may want to use a numbered system in your document, whereas in others you may prefer the more standard approach.Generic white paper template with 2 column layout...
2. Employee Engagement White Paper Create This White Paper Template This business white paper template discusses the importance ofemployee engagementand different strategies to optimize engagement in a company. A staffing consultancy firm could create a business white paper like this one to demonstrate ...
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AUTOCADMAP 3DAUTODESKMAPGUIDEENTERPRISEUsing PostGIS/PostgreSQLfor Managing CAD and GISDataThis white paper describes how to install,configure, and use a PostGIS database withAutoCADMap 3D software and AutodeskMapGuideEnterprise software.Today's users of geographic information systems (GIS) have access...