白噪声white noise 和 白化 1. wikipedia的解释http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitening_transformation Thewhitening transformationis adecorrelationmethod which transforms a set of random variables having thecovariance matrixΣ into a set of new random variables whose covariance isaI, whereais a constant and...
It made a very loud noise, like an ancient Chinese gong. That made someone laugh. I don't know who it was, but it wasn't the way a person laughs when they see something funny or joyful. It was cruel and raw, hysterical and awful. At the same instant, Carrie opened her eyes wide...
ID=WhiteNoise 英文名称=WhiteNoise 颜色=蓝色 类型=技能 稀有度=罕见 耗能=1 描述=增加一张随机能力牌到你的手牌。这张牌在本回合耗能变为0。消耗。 能力= 升级耗能=0 升级描述=增加一张随机能力牌到你的手牌。这张牌在本回合耗能变为0。消耗。 升级能力= 原画= 测试画风= [[文件:]]...
And there’s more rare stuff than just “City Lights.” There’s the acoustic mix ofthe jingle White wrote for Coca Cola(“Love Is the Truth”) plus a handful of remixes of other songs. And one of the songs he did for that Renée Zellweger movie. So I probably shouldn’t be such ...
printed map of Portland—but as for the latter, I might just get a pocket-sized journal and small pen to write with. At any rate, I consider this small but meaningful gesture of “unplugging” from the noise of feeds and flamewars and felonious fascists to be one I’ll have to repeat...
that concentration camps were just labor camps for elites who had never worked a day in their life before. He’d call Jazz “noise without a score” and of course, it didn’t help that he saw it as black music. As of the 80’s in Europe, he claimed that unemployment was way higher...
WikiMatrix Moreover, in the society of white noise the rarest commodity is attention. ParaCrawl Corpus Most common are the yellow, red, clear and black, Green is fairly scarce but blue and white are the rarest. ParaCrawl Corpus The rarest among the species are: Southern White is unique...
It made a very loud noise, like an ancient Chinese gong. That made someone laugh. I don't know who it was, but it wasn't the way a person laughs when they see something funny or joyful. It was cruel and raw, hysterical and awful. At the same instant, Carrie opened her eyes wide...
FAST65 was then used to segment the brain tissue (in native space, to avoid noise due to interpolation) into the CSF, grey matter and white matter (with total brain volume being the sum of grey and white matter volume); bilateral hippocampal and thalamic volumes were derived using FIRST66....
For me, this one was always just a lot of noise ... I remember reading at the time that Paul wanted to write the loudest rock song ever ... obviously he put that consideration over content. (If I'm not mistaken, Paul's inspiration was a comment that Pete Townshend of The Who had...