White noise definition: a noise signal with a uniform frequency spectrum over a wide range of frequencies.. See examples of WHITE NOISE used in a sentence.
Trouble focusing or sleeping because of annoying noises? Step in to Noise Machine, where unwanted noise fades away, replaced by your personalized background. B…
A white noise machine or sound machine can be an effective way to mask disruptive noise and get a good night’s sleep. White noise—or other natural sounds like an ocean, crickets or even a babbling brook—help drown out noises that might wake people up during the night. Say goodbye to...
White Noise Machine 原创家电产品kdesignaward·korea·designer·design·award·製品·建築·意匠 0|0|996人气|2|2020-01-08 08:54:44 关注私信 K-DESIGN AWARD 其他 婴儿和儿童的睡眠容易受到周围环境的影响。对于成年人来说,伴侣或其他噪音的嗡嗡声会影响彼此的睡眠。旅行和露营时,外界噪音也会影响睡眠质量。
White Noise Stream|White Noise 1 Hour|9 Natural Sounds:Choose from 9 soothing sounds, including white noise, waves, and lullabies, to create a personalized sleep sanctuary. Timed Shutdown:Set a timer for peace of mind, knowing your white noise machine will automatically turn off after your des...
So, what should one do when the neighbors make too much noise, or the traffic noise keeps you up all night? In such a scenario trying out a white noise machine would be in your best interest. People have been amazed at how well-rested they become, or how much their sleep has improved...
The LectroFan is a highly-customizable and loud white noise machine. With a wide range of sounds, it can be used as a silence machine in your bedroom, a part of therapy treatments, or a perfect travel companion for restful sleep.
The Homedics SoundSpa Portable white noise machine is the definition of a basic sound machine. It’s about the size of a clock radio but more circular and recumbent in shape. In a ring around the central speaker are six sound options: summer night, thunder, brook, ocean, white noise and...