Ambie is an app that plays white noise and nature sounds to help you focus, sleep, and unwind. For many people, having background noise while working on a task helps with concentration. Ambie has a good starting selection of built-in sounds such as rain and beach waves that help you. ...
White-Noise Header Main 在使用过手机端的白噪音 APP 之后,想在电脑端也继续使用,但是找了很多没有发现几个,而且在国内也没发现几个很好的电脑端的白噪音,可能是我没找到吧(滑稽,然后就自己写了一个 Demo,目前功能很简单,如下: 多音源同时播放,现有 鸟声 / 雨声 / 湖水 / 古典乐 / JazzHiphop,好吧我...
white noise application. Contribute to noah-tah/WhiteNoiseApp development by creating an account on GitHub.
官网地址以及应用1、浏览器输入 点击“Microsoft Store”安装。如图:2、开源地址,
TripleOscillator's noise generator has a major bug which causes it to sound atrociously ugly when multiple notes are played simultaneously, due to the random number generator it uses. This PR switches it from fast_rand to rand to fix this. To reproduce the bug, open TripleOscillator, set an...
娱乐白噪音2022 - White Noise经典就是百听不厌!经典值得铭记于心!大家有想听的资源可以评论区里留言!右上角可以播单内节目搜索!已上传资源列表: 或者
描述:这是由开源Android应用程序Chroma Doze生成的白噪声,,音调设置更接近频谱的低端。 Tag: 环境 背景声音 白噪声 一般噪声 丝毫enoise 室内排球 by khellendr0s 来源ccMixter 详情 下载 mp3 4.82 MB 128 kbps ... 描述:白球或室内排球 Tag: 白话文 体育 ...
Ambie is an app that plays white noise and nature sounds to help you focus, sleep, and unwind. For many people, having background noise while working on a task helps with concentration. Ambie has a good starting selection of built-in sounds such as rain and beach waves that help you. ...
A white noise app developed withFlutter. It helps you meditate, sleep better, focus, relax and be calm. Screenshots: Features: Play multiple sounds simultaneously Adjust the sound volume individually Libraries: Bloc: Bloc Architecture AudioPlayers: Supports multiple simultaneous playing ...
If the percentage_ones = [0 5], then it returns a clean X dataset for learning and a Y data with 5% pixel noise. If the percentage_ones = [5 -1], then X has pixel noise and Y has the original noise given in the dataset (in this case, Gaussian noise). Other settings are that...