white-colored noise correlationgeneral Fokker-Planck equationbistable systemadditive white noiseA stochastic system with colored correlation between white noise and colored noise is investigated theoretically. A general Fokker鈥揚lanck equation of the system is derived by using a standard method. We ...
White noise and colored noise are important signals in stochastic systems. White noise: In signal processing, white noise is a random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies, giving it a constant power spectral density. White noise draws its name from white light, although light ...
The MD method can work well either in white noise or colored noise environment. 该方法在白噪声和色噪声条件下都能取得很好的效果. 来自互联网 7. The effects of observation noise of combined system analysis error are also investigated. 同时还在雷达功率中引入了白噪声,研究噪声对联合反演法的影响. 来...
Considering an optical bistable system with cross-correlated additive white noise and multiplicative colorednoise, we study the effects of correlation between the noises on the correlation function C(s) using theunified colored noise approximation and the Stratonovich decoupling ansatz formalism. The effect...
white noise. Noise signal relative, other do not have this property are called colored noise. Ideal white noise has infinite bandwidth, so its energy is infinite, which is impossible in the real world exists. In fact, we often limited bandwidth of the signal level regarded as white noise, ...
The white noise deconvolution or input white noise estimation problem has important applications in oil seismic exploration, communication and signal processing. By the modern time series analysis method, based on the autoregressive moving average (ARMA) innovation model, a new information fusion white ...
WHITE, PINK, AND BROWN NOISE You may be asking how colored noises even work, let us tell you: According to all the latest research, certain noise frequencies labeled as different colors can help you to fall asleep better. Our app offers the chance to access more content for users who subs...
Noise is often considered a distractor; however recent studies suggest that sub-attentive individuals or individuals diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can benefit from white noise to enhance their cognitive performance. Research reg
(1980) Nonequilibrium Transitions Induced by External White and Colored Noise. Springer Ser. Synergetics 6: pp. 67-77W. HORSTHEMKE, Nonequilibrium transitions induced by external white and coloured noise, in "Dynamics of Synergetic Systems" (H. Haken, Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1980....