“It’s a good thing that the great king possesses such powers,” said thefour monkeys, “for the water below this sheet iron bridge of ours flows directly into the Dragon Palace of the Eastern Ocean. If you are willing to go down there, Great King, you will find the old Dragon King...
分享回复赞 绝命毒师吧 二·帅 [搬运]The Evolution of Walter White视频来自:优酷下载:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=423413&uk=840355715 00:00· 播放0 分享2赞 绝命毒师吧 岳飞铟龙 有没有人也觉得Walter White 长得很像 里皮 啊?? 分享2赞 绝命毒师吧 Perfectsh1tt save Walter White...