White kidney bean extract for weight loss September 9, 2024/#Dietitians•#ConflictOfInterest•#EditorsPick•Fat Loss•Editor's Picks•Obesity•Overweight•White Kidney Bean Extract In this randomized controlled trial, supplementing with white kidney bean extract, which inhibits starch digestion...
White kidney bean extract is best known as a weight loss aid. However, there are a variety of lesser-known benefits that this unique supplement can support. May Help Support A Healthy Body Weight White kidney beans contain a protein known to inhibit the activities of the enzyme alpha-amy...
产品名称:白芸豆提取物 whitekidney bean Extract 芸豆蛋白,α-淀粉酶抑制剂、菜豆蛋白、Phaseolin植物来源及提取部位:豆科芸豆属植物白芸豆外观: 类白色粉末含量规格:芸豆蛋白、菜豆蛋白(菜豆素)1% 、2%检测方法:HPLC 【包装方式】大货25公斤/纸板桶,小样包装为双层塑料袋 每桶净重2.5-3KG,直径36-40CM,高50CM左右...
The White Kidney Bean Extract used in dietary supplements is derived from the beans of the plantPhaseolus vulgaris L. Benefits • Promote weight loss byanti-alpha amylase activity(neutralize the digestive enzyme) Mechanism How does Phaseolamin work? During the digestive process, your body convert...
规格: 白芸豆提取物white kidney bean Extract 英文名称: white kidney bean Extract 产地/厂商: 长沙上禾生物科技有限公司 主要成分: 白芸豆提取物white kidney bean Extract 级别: 工业级 别名: 白芸豆提取物 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能...
爱企查为您提供威德利 白芸豆提取物 White Kidney Bean Extract比例 植物提取,湖北威德利化学试剂有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。白芸豆提取物;白芸豆提取物批发;白芸豆提取物行情报价;白芸豆提取物价格;白芸豆提取物底价;白芸豆提取物图片;白芸豆提取
英文名称:White Kidney Bean Extract 产地/厂商:斯诺特生物 主要成分:阿尔法淀粉酶抑制剂600U/g;另有4000U/g、白芸豆提取物10:1、芸豆蛋白等 别名:白芸豆粉 白芸豆浸膏 白芸豆浓缩粉 白芸豆速溶粉 用途:保健品厂、功能性食品厂、饮料厂、化妆品厂、兽药饲料厂 ...
White kidney bean extract is a common plant extract derived from the seeds of white kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). It is widely used in beauty and health care and has many potential benefits. Function: 1.White kidney bean extract can help to treat fat, the white kidney bea...
White Kidney Bean Extract CAS NO.::1%, 2% Phaseolin Molecular Formula::Off-white fine powder Physical::seed 13289292871 Detail White Kidney Bean Extract Latin Name:Phaseolus Vulgaris L. Part Used: Seed Specification: 1%, 2% Phaseolin Appearance: Off-white fine powder ...
白芸豆提取物White Kidney Bean Extract 芸豆籽粒的形状多种多样,有肾形、椭圆形、扁平形、筒形和球形等;颜色也有多种,如白、黑、黑紫、绿色和杂色带斑纹等。颗粒大小差异也很大,小者如黄豆般,而大白芸豆的籽粒长约21毫米,厚约9.5毫米,比黄豆大几倍,可称豆中之冠了。白芸豆是西餐中常用的名贵食用豆。颗粒肥...