On behalf of myself and my muse, Jellybeans, thank you for reading white dog vintage over the last year and half. I will implement a site redirect here so that you can still find me through this address for a while longer. I look forward to sharing so much more with you on the new...
there is work involved. You need to take a picture, sign up for an account, post the item online, and hope somebody buys it.If you are listing on Craigslist you are bound to get some spam.If someone buys it, you have the hassle of getting them the item (either by mail or in-pers...
So I found a drawer in a nearby dresser that could easily become an Office Supply Drawer. The ONLY thing worth keeping was the CD of pictures. It was easy and angst-free to turn that drawer into a space for things I did need to keep. And then there were the Heelys wheels. I have...