White Collar Photo Credit: Everett Collection Character Analysis (Avoiding Spoilers) Grew up…without a father. His mother told him that his father, a cop, died taking down the bad guys. But that wasn’t true – he was arrested for killing a fellow cop. When Neal found this out, he too...
5年以后释放。后来成为fbi的顾问,并且自己城里了防止诈骗的公司。电影就是根据他的自传改编的 ...
白领罪犯《妙警贼探》主角尼尔·卡弗里现实生活的揭秘 “天才骗子”弗兰克·阿巴内尔的故事,揭示了他从一名冒充飞行员的天才骗子,到协助FBI打击金融诈骗,再到设计防伪技术的世界级成就。阿巴内尔的传奇经历,被改编为电影《逍遥法外》,赢得了不俗的票房,而其真实故事更是充满了未被电影捕捉的细节。阿巴...
Neal. 尼尔 Hello.Hi. 你好你好 Idon'tknowwhatmybrother'sbeentellingyou, 不知道我哥哥跟你说了什么 butIhaven'tbeendoctoringupanything. 不过我没有伪造遗嘱 There'snowaydadwouldhaveleftyoueverything. 爸爸不可能把一切都留给你 You'dsquanderit.Squanderit?That'sagoodword. ...
弗兰克·阿巴内尔 英文名:Frank Abagnale Jr 上世纪六十年代的天才大盗,在诈骗生涯中他先后冒充过 ...
What giant plans doesOnce Upon a Timehave? WillWhite Collar‘s Neal leap a tall building in the name of love? WillCastlefans meet Rick’s father anytime soon? Is Xena staying put in Pawnee? Read on for answers to those questions plus teases from other shows. ...
White Collar‘s Season 3 finale finally delivered a verdict on Neal’s fate, andit did not go as expected. Rather than being set free or having to complete his sentence with the FBI, Neal’s future took a third route: He cut his anklet and fled after getting the nod to do so from...
Neal Caffrey✖️Sara Ellis 我又可以了!!White-collar Criminal×White-collar Bounty HunterPeter:Tornado in heels✖️Trailer Park小白领重启让我意难平多年的绝美CP快回来!Sara真是人美条顺三观正,求婚那幕记我心啊!!To another time,to another place...